General Information

MOPS is a group for mothers of children ages 0 through kindergarten.

We meet the first and third Tuesday, September through May, from 9:00am to 11:00am, at Westminster Presbyterian Church.

Child-care is available during each meeting.

The MOPS International website is:

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Knock Knock Pumpkin Patch

If you are interested in some reasonably priced pumpkins for fall decor & a fun outing, call a friend & head a to a local 'pick your own' pumpkin patch. To get there drive north on Deadwood Ave from the Windmill, following the Pumpkin Patch signs. Jeans, closed toed shoes & a camera are recommended. You may also want to take gloves for carrying pumpkins. Some people there had their wagons along, as well. Cutters are available. They have cute spot with a scarecrow & BIG pumpkins available for photos. The patch is on the honors system so you leave your money in a bucket. The gal said they hope to have all the pumpkins gone before the first freeze.

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